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Healthcare for the Entire Family

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Now offering Massage Therapy, Skin Therapy, and Laser Hair Removal Services.

Providing Experienced, High-Quality Affordable Medical Care

Entrust your family’s healthcare needs to Dr. Debra Coplon, founder of Hope Primary Care, where compassionate care is the hallmark of her practice. For nearly three decades, Dr. Coplon has served patients of all ages across the greater Memphis community with her vast knowledge and experience in providing affordable healthcare for the family.

doctor checking little girl with stethoscope

Families, Men, Women, Children & Seniors Welcome

From minor cuts, colds, and flu to comprehensive preventive care and chronic disease management, Hope Primary Care is the right choice for affordable healthcare for your entire family. Same-day appointments are available. Patients at our practice need not encounter unexpected costs because fees are settled prior to care. Hope Primary Care is a patient-centered, fee-for-service healthcare practice. We also accept most insurance plans. Hope Primary Care is now accepting new Medicare patients and providing Annual Wellness Visits at no cost to Medicare beneficiaries. Memphis now has affordable healthcare for the entire family.

patient talking to doctor via telemedicine

Now Offering Telemedicine

Hope Primary Care is now offering Telemedicine for established patients: visit with your medical provider face to face or via conference calls for those nonurgent medical needs. Online scheduling now available for you and your family’s medical care.


Hope Primary Care, PLLC

675 Oakleaf Office Ln, Suite 200
Memphis, TN 38117
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM

675 Oakleaf Office Ln, Memphis, TN 38117, USA

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